8 essential steps to silence, solitude and stillness with Abba God

When is the last time you sat in silence listening to or for God’s voice? No phones, kids, husband, work, housework, books, tv, computer, pets and music in the background. If you take longer than five minutes to think about the answer, you are in dire need for stillness, solitude and silent time with our Heavenly Father.

I just finished my quarterly social media break. A respite warranted from the daily barrage of unwanted and/or unneeded information, pictures, videos and words ingested through my eyes and ears. Stress, anxiety and overwhelm started to be my daily companions – undesired visitors.

Now I’m refreshed, renewed and energized. My spirit and soul are replenished by daily stillness, solitude and quiet time in God’s Word. God’s peace fills my heart.

We live in a culture of busyness. Many children are enrolled in tons of activities throughout the week not experiencing the value of boredom. Smart phones and computers offer countless bits of information and entertainment that easily overwhelms our minds. The availability of games, videos, podcasts, blog posts and other items can cause anxiety of decision.

No one is immune. As adults we can govern ourselves and step away from this constant chatter. It is imperative to take breaks from this busyness, for our sanity, spiritual growth, personal relationships and to listen to Yahweh’s voice. Lifestyle changes to lessen the busyness may be in order.

Our spiritual growth; our relationship with Jesus is our own responsibility. Transformation and closeness with Jesus comes from spending time with Him, reading, meditating and hearing His Word. This intimacy begins in stillness, solitude and quiet time.

“And now, just as you accepted the Messiah Yeshua, our Adonai , you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
“Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.” Colossians 3:2 NLT
“Come close to Elohim, and Elohim will come close to you.” James 4:8a

8 steps to solitude, stillness and silent time with God

  1. Seek a safe place for no interruptions.

  2. Carve out a time during your day – you can start with a few minutes and build throughout the week(s).

  3. No phones, computers, TV, pets, kids (if possible), husbands, background music. Complete silence is imperative.

  4. Have a notebook or journal near. You may need to write down thoughts (your to do list, thoughts not from the Father) that pop into your head so you won’t focus on them.

  5. Take deep breaths and relax. Be still. Let the anxiety and tension slip away – you know those feelings aren’t from Yahuah. Let go of your control.

  6. Sit in stillness, solitude and silence. What comes to mind? Scripture? An image? Yah’s voice? Calmness? Certain feelings?

  7. Whatever comes to mind is unique to you. Each one of us may connect with Abba in our own way. Don’t compare your “experience” with Yahuah to others.

  8. Enjoy in this moment with you and your Heavenly Father.

I pray you make time for stillness, solitude and silence with Yahweh daily. An integral part of your spiritual journey. You will witness positive change in your life.
Is silence, solitude and stillness with Yah a part of your day? I love to hear how it impacts your life.
Love ya!


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